This Wednesday with the New Moon in Scorpio, marks the Hindu festival Diwali, known as the festival of lights.

This is the celebration of light over darkness, good over evil, and knowledge over ignorance!

It is a most auspicious day for welcoming the Goddess of abundance and pure light, Lakshmi, into your home. To welcome her people light small lamps, turn on all the lights in the house and open the front door to welcome her in.

The small lamps were put out to light the path home for Sita & Ram who had been living in exile for 14 years.

Diwali is celebrated as the Hindu New Year. It is a time to clean your home, wear new clothes, buy gifts for others, and rid your house of evil spirits by illuminating your inner pure light.

This is the perfect time to anchor your light in your body and declare yourself a Sovereign being. To learn how to be sovereign and illuminate your inner glow, join my new course to Take Back Your Power! 

Registration closes on November 10th.I’ve added a new payment plan to make it even easier for you to jump in and claim your light!

May all beings be illuminated from darkness. May all beings reclaim their divine inheritance.

Happy Diwali,

*Gold Lakshmi Painting by Lila Shravani

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