We are in for a wild ride, are you holding your center?
You will want to know your center more than ever in the coming weeks ahead. This New Moon / Total Solar Eclipse is shaking stuff up! Whatever you have been stuffing away in your closet will most likely fall out, are you okay with that? I hope so! Transparency is the new black.
This is a good time to make ammends with those you have fallen out with, wrap up loose ends on those pesky projects, and stay close to those you love. Get ready for some good times ahead… (that is after the shit show frenzy!)
If you know how to hold your center than this frenzy may feel like a good old fashion roller coaster ride, one with all the tricks, dips and drops… However, if you are squeemish and like to control things, you might feel a bit ruffled. Hang in there, it will get better, I can feel it.
My advice: lay low, stay close to the earth, RELAX and allow love to show you the way forward. Quit trying to figure it all out, cause it aint mental. What is unraveling is something much much deeper than your comprehension – this is wisdom only your soul can understand and it won’t be verbalized. So listen deep my friends!
If you would like an 11 min guided meditation to help you align your energy, you can download my MP3 on soundcloud here. If you want a longer guided journey to unlock your star seed be sure to check out my 20 min video.
Hang tight, relax and have fun, these are exciting times we are living in!