The Full Moon in Aquarius on Monday lands at 11:11am (PST) and it’s also a Partial Lunar Eclipse at 11:22am. We have this perfect 11 min window to aling our energies to this powerful combination. This energy brings us the bold energy we have been asking for to bust out of old programs and bring our gifts out to the world and be in service. This is a perfect time to be in community, to collaborate with others, and find your tribe.

Who do you want to serve? Who do you consider your community? What do you want to say to the world?

These are important questions to ask yourself during this powerful energy surge, write it down, share it with your loved ones. What do you need to release to be more connected to others?  This is a time to dive deep inside yourself in order to be more connected with people, so if you have been hiding out, see what social events are calling you out of hiding. Support is out there for you. Let go and know that you are supported. These are positive changes.

I hope you will join me in meditation along with the questers out on Mount Shasta who will be in ceremony during this 11:11 gateway to welcome in this powerful eclipse energy that will be influencing us for the next six months!

If you would like an 11 min guided meditation to help you align your energy, you can download my MP3 on soundcloud here.

Much love,


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