Full Moon in Cancer on January 1st, at 6:24 pm PST!
We are starting off the New Year with a big, bright full moon – a supermoon in fact. It is the brightest moon of the year and will look bigger than normal because it’s closer to the earth.
There is hope! Awwwooooooo! Can you hear me howling?
Scream it out with me my friends. This super full moon brings a soothing balm of compassion and love to heal those deep dark pains, concerns, and debilitating fears. This is a sensitive time, so be kind to yourself and stay close to those who you feel safe with. It is just as imperative to stay far away from toxic people, places and things that distort your energy.
What were your intentions at the new moon a few short, and crazy, busy weeks ago? It is time to fine-tune them, look at what you have manifested since then, and make adjustments as needed.
This full moon shows us that we have what will appear as “new skills” to manage the greatest war that has been raging inside. New solutions may be shown to you on how to solve, cope, manage and resolve whatever huge disputes, disruptions, or dysfunctions your life has dealt you.
Dive deep and harness the power of this full supermoon to get your year started off powerfully.
I’ve included some questions to ask yourself to align with this powerful moon cycle.
What are the major polarities in your life? What are you opposing? What do you rage against?
Allow yourself to download the new skills you need to rise above the raging war. Literally, breathe them into your being.
What do you need to banish from your life? What negativity, toxicity, demons, or darkness needs to leave now?
What can you forgive and release once and for all?
Make a clear statement, write it down and make it so.
This full moon is giving you a powerful spotlight to dispel whatever darkness has plagued you. Banish the demons and allow your light to expand.
Dig deep my friends, these “new skills” will unlock under the magic of this full moon – follow your inner guidance and give yourself permission to rise above the madness. There is a higher path, a new road, a new opportunity waiting for you to have the courage to claim it.
May your new year be full of renewed hope.
May you always be connected to the true source of love.
May your path be illuminated.
May all beings be liberated from fear.
Om mani padme om.
In service,