New Moon in Virgo = The Shift Has Hit the Fan!

New Moon in Virgo = The Shift Has Hit the Fan!

On Sunday, September 9th @ 11:01 AM the New Moon is in Virgo. Are you feeling the electricity in the air? I am. Wow, so much static and electrical energy from the Sun. We are in Virgo energy and as a Virgo myself, I have to say I love this moon!! It is a new beginning...
Full Moon in Virgo = Truth Slap!

Full Moon in Virgo = Truth Slap!

The Full Moon is in Virgo on Thursday, March 1 @ 4:51 PM PST. Off with those rose-colored glasses! Sober up my friends and stop allowing demons and hungry ghosts to feed on your laziness and desire to ‘check out’. It is time to see things as they are, not how you want...

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