Full Moon in Taurus = Practical Magic

Full Moon in Taurus = Practical Magic

The Full Moon is in Taurus on Tuesday, November 12th, at 05:34 AM Pacific | 08:34 Eastern. This last month has been full of surprises, some good and some not so good, right? The Taurus full moon brings our attention all that we dream about. Taurus energy gives us a...
Full Moon in Taurus = STABILIZE YOUR ENERGY!

Full Moon in Taurus = STABILIZE YOUR ENERGY!

The Full Moon is in Taurus this Wednesday at 9:45 AM PST. Steady as she blows! Things are still a bit wonky when it comes to money and love matters. This is a good time to reflect what you were putting in place just a few weeks ago, on October 8th. What were your...

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