My Pandemic Stance

My Pandemic Stance

I don’t know about you, but there are things I am WAY WAY WAAAAY more fearful of than catching or spreading COVID19 virus!!  Things like GMO foods, fluoride, microwaves, 5G towers, geo-engineering, pesticides, DDT, cancer cells, STD’s, cartels, kidnapping, corporate...
New Moon in Virgo = The Shift Has Hit the Fan!

New Moon in Virgo = The Shift Has Hit the Fan!

On Sunday, September 9th @ 11:01 AM the New Moon is in Virgo. Are you feeling the electricity in the air? I am. Wow, so much static and electrical energy from the Sun. We are in Virgo energy and as a Virgo myself, I have to say I love this moon!! It is a new beginning...

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