The New Moon is in Sagittarius on Tuesday, November 26th at 7:05 AM Pacific | 10:05 Eastern.
There are things in life that are unexplainable, unthinkable, and downright terrible happening all around us, all the time – within our families, within our communities and within our corporations and governments. Often it makes me stop and wonder is there no humanity left? It makes me question if we are we all born of the same creator because it is obvious to me that we all subscribe to different rules to live by, we have different masters we answer to, and we value different things… we simply don’t all agree.
New moons offers us a moment to pause and check in with ourselves. In a world with apparently no more rules, mixed messages and total chaos, what is it that you want to experience? Who is your master? Who do you answer to and what have you subscribed to?
Take a moment to go deep within. What is your deepest longing? What are you sick and tired of? What do you wish was different in the world? And what are you going to do about it?
Or, are you one of those people who bypass intense feelings so you no longer have opinions of your own? Have you become so apathetic and hopeless that you have disconnected yourself from any possibility of actionable change? Have you forgotten how to take personal responsibility?
Have you forgotten that you have a choice in how your life unfolds?
The energy of this new moon is ripe with new magnificent beginnings! It is time to harvest your own perfect design. What have you been struggling with? What have you been wishing was different in your life?
Now is the perfect time to take a stand for yourself. When I say “take a stand”, I am not talking about being disrespectful, rude, or arrogant with your worldview.
I am not advocating for rash decision making, or choosing new directions from a place of anger and emotional upheaval. What I am advocating is to take a time out. Sit with your discomfort long enough to realize there is a way out of whatever personal hell you might find yourself in! You can find that golden door to your dream reality only if you are ready to take responsibility for what you can change in your life and make decisions in line with that ultimate reality.
Are you ready for an upgrade? Are you ready to move beyond your limiting beliefs and realize you can create a life you love? This new moon is giving us yet another opportunity to realize our own personal potential.
There will be more surprises to come, people will be uncomfortable with the truths that are being revealed. Masks are falling to the wayside and chaos may distract you and create drama with the astrological aspects at play.
Are you adaptable? This is not a time to work yourself into a tizzy or take on more than your share of the responsibility. Take time to understand yourself, to tame your inner demons and strengthen your convictions, and refine what is important to you.
Do you remember what you were focused on creating for yourself in July during the last Solar Eclipse? Those seeds you planted back then (consciously or not) are coming to harvest now. The next two weeks are an important time to refine and clarify your personal intentions before the next eclipse season starting December 26.
Prepare yourself for 20/20 Vision.
If you are able to stay grounded and focused, come what may, you will be able to ride out life storms with skill and find yourself living the life you always dreamed about.
Stay true to your heart. Find love in the center of yourself and stare your fears in the face until you see them for what they truly are – illusions to strengthen your inner convictions!
Love boldly and live your best life possible.
With love,

P.S. If you need help taking back your power, don’t hesitate, you can join my Mystery School right now and get all the support and guidance you need to create a life full of purpose in order to fulfil your divine destiny.