The New Moon is in Cancer on Tuesday, July 2 @ 12:16 PM PDT / 3:16 PM EDT.
The Total Solar Eclipse occurs between 10 am – 3 pm PDT (1 pm – 6 pm EDT) it is only visible in the deep South Pacific.
This is a time to lay low, go easy, don’t overdo it.
A new moon influence lasts for four weeks but a solar eclipse lasts about six months!
Reflection Questions for the New Moon in Cancer:
– What relationships in your life are asking for your attention?
– Family karmic ties are under review. Are you ready to let go and release toxic connections?
– What have you been working hard at? Are you ready to reap the rewards?
– Where are you off center? It’s time to recalibrate.
– What did you wish for at the beginning of the year? Your seeds are coming to fruition now, watch them bloom!
Keep in mind:
- Mercury is Retrograde from July 9th – July 31. Things can get a little wonky with schedules, electronics and travel plans. Give yourself extra time and stay cool with mishaps, stay close to water and nature to counterbalance the strangeness.
- We have a Partial Lunar Eclipse on Full Moon July 16. A good time to stay in and focus on your spiritual nature, avoid toxic people and toxic places, focus on your inner balance.
- The Mayan Day out of Time is July 25 & 26. This is the Mayan new year, a time to recalibrate and sync up with natural time. Learn how to expand time and flow in synchronicity.
Are you ready to take back your power? Learn how in my Mystery School.

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