The Full Moon is in Sagittarius on Monday, June 17 @ 1:31 AM PDT / 4:31 AM EDT
Hang on friends, we are going for a cosmic ride! Don’t worry this one is actually super fun!
Do you feel the energy surges? Are you having sleepless nights and feeling an increase in energy?
We have a lot of solar flares blasting onto the planet right now causing a heightened level of energy as our Moon is in Sagittarius and perfectly aligned with the Galactic Core. We are getting downloads like a mofo’ right now, despite the increase of chemtrail cover. You may be feeling a creative surge, a boost in your business, or love life (hopefully both), or you may be getting a bit frazzled if you don’t have good grounding practices in place.
There is a collective healing happening for the masculine energy on the planet these last few weeks that is permanent change. The masculine is softening and becoming more vulnerable, finally able to heal some dark places that had been trapped for ages in rigidity and conformity.
The feminine energy, on the other hand, is getting bold and courageous like never before. She looks like a tigress ready to pounce. The feminine is fierce and forward, boldly claiming her desires, while the masculine is more receptive and grounded. He is finding deeper knowledge and getting into his zone of genius. This is a match made in heaven! We are at the height of our dual nature folks, ready to step into the Summer Solstice on June 21st where we have the peak of light to shower us with it’s fortifying rays.
With Jupiter stationed super close to us right now, I’ve noticed that victim consciousness is being eradicated from the planet altogether. This alone is cause to throw your hands up in the air and sway with me ‘cause I’m singin’ Hallelujah right about now! You with me? You feelin’ it? This is huge. No more blaming others – we got this!
We are at our peak my friends so enjoy the sleepless nights – make the most of them. Revel in your creativity. Enjoy your sexuality and honor your desires. Shine the light on the areas of your life where you might still be hiding out with fear and shame – ‘cause that shit is toxic!
If you aren’t sleeping much, (like the majority of everyone I speak to), please remain calm, slow and centered as your energy will be more prone to tweak out. Best to say “no” to any type of overindulgence that includes emotional indulgences as well as mental. Go slow and steady. Connect to your breath and the spaces between the breath to expand time and keep your nervous system cool and calm.
Here are some reflections to get the most out of this Mega Cosmic Event happening:
- What was happening back in January of 2019? The seeds you planted then are now coming to fruition. Tend them.
- What is your relationship with your father? How do you feel about men in general? Is there something you need to heal, forgive, or release in order to free yourself?
- How can you honor the masculine energy and set it free? What needs to be acknowledged, remembered, or forgiven in order to be at peace with it? Make an offering this Sunday.
- What is your heart’s deepest desire? Name it and claim it. It is yours if it is of pure intent.
- How are you sabotaging your own success? What habit, person or thought do you need to eradicate in order to claim your potential? Be swift and cut that shit out!
The Eclipse energy next month will catapult us to a new phase. We are in holographic quantum jump time. This is not a small “walk a mile in the park” kind of frequency, we are in the midst of epic growth cycles. What are you ready to call into your life? Focus your energy and make your long term dreams come true! They are ripe for the pickin’.
Seriously my friends, stop f’in around! It is time to Take Back Your Power. No more hiding out in fear, shame, or subordination. Get the tools and activations to awaken your inner genius, ground your potential and do what you came here to do – be sovereign. Sign up for my go-at-your-own-pace course and get instant access.
With love and full moon bliss,
P.S. Are you in my private FB group? If not, join now to Master the Art of Change and hang out with me and a bunch of other cool soulful people.